Butte Silver Bow公共档案馆

了解比尤特的采矿、劳动、生活方式和家族史. The Archives occupies a historic fire hall built in 1900 and features an inviting reading room, friendly staff, exhibits, collections, photographs, public programming, 小型消防员博物馆, 旋转显示. A knowledgeable staff is available to assist with research on Butte’s rich history.

Learn more about the Butte Silver Bow公共档案馆.


比尤特最新的水上乐园包括一个游泳池, lazy river, water slide, water volleyball, water basketball, a climbing wall, diving board, 让步等等. 它位于新装修的斯托登公园.

Learn more about the 岭水社区泳池.


A series of guided walking tours highlight details of Butte’s colorful history from the 1890’s through the 1950’s. 全年通过预订提供三种不同的旅游. 来从里到外看看巴特吧.

Learn more about the Butte tour info.


这座纪念碑与6月8日的事件相似, 1917 when 168 miners lost their lives in the largest hard rock mining disaster of all time. The site also offers the visitor an unforgettable panoramic view of the 10,海拔1000英尺的高原山脉, the Continental Divide and the remnants of a once booming mining industry. Open year-round.

Learn more about the 花岗岩山纪念馆.

Butte Trolley Tour

Take an hour and a half tour of Butte’s best history with Butte’s best historians. Tours are scheduled Memorial Day weekend through September and year-round by appointment. 强烈建议预订.

Learn more about the Butte Trolley Tour.

The Berkeley Pit

From 1955 until 1982, 伯克利矿坑出产的铜足够铺一条四车道的高速公路, four inches thick, 从巴特到盐湖城, 犹他和30英里以外. 1982年采矿作业停止, 地下水泵被关闭了, 伯克利坑开始充满酸性水, 重金属和独特的微观生命形式. The Pit with its water and colorful landscape can be seen via a visitor viewing stand. Today, open pit mining continues behind the Berkeley Pit in the Continental Pit operated by Montana Resources which employs 350 people year-round. The Viewing Stand and Gift Shop are open May – October and by special appointment (weather permitting).

Learn more about the Berkley Pit.


90英尺高的雕像, 落基山脉的圣母, sits serenely atop the East Ridge keeping vigil on the community of Butte. A half-day tour on a winding mountain road presents the visitor with a spectacular view and an inspiring story. “女士”是由志愿者和捐款建造和维护的. 圣母的故事是一个爱、奉献和信仰的故事. 如果天气允许,从5月到10月每天都有旅游. The gift shop in the Butte Plaza Mall is open year-round with the opportunity to watch the movie on the story of Our Lady.

Learn more about 落基山脉的圣母.


全国最大的历史地标区之一, Butte offers a legacy of architectural treasures that are contemporaries of the best Victorian architecture in America’s great cities. The Uptown is filled with well-preserved examples of early 20th century architecture. Take a walk and read the history of Butte’s buildings on the National Historic Landmark plaques. A map of the district is available at the Butte Archives and the Butte Chamber of Commerce.

Learn moure about 巴特的国家历史街区.


Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park features one of the largest known limestone caverns in the Northwest. 从5月1日到9月30日,只有导游才能进入洞穴. 公园也有露营和徒步或骑自行车的小径, 最先进的游客中心, 翻译显示, a gift shop, 餐饮优惠, amphitheater, 以及在夏季举办的解释性活动.

Learn more about the 刘易斯和克拉克洞穴.

The Clark Chateau

The Clark Chateau was constructed in 1898-1899 for Charles and Katherine Clark, 铜王W的长子.A. Clark. Today it is home to the Butte Symphony, Montana’s oldest symphony orchestra, and The Root & Bloom Collective是一个非营利性人文学科组织. 克拉克城堡以适合所有年龄层的各种公共节目为特色, exhibits, classes, 并可用于活动和引人入胜的旅游. The Chateau staff is dedicated to interpreting Butte’s fascinating history though the exploration of the humanities and invites visitors to share the experience.

Learn more about the Clark Chateau.


Built in 1911, the rotunda walls are adorned with golden mosaic murals of personified muses; Justice, Geography, History, 林肯总统的哲学和壁画, McKinley, Washington, and Wilson. Large pillars of Montana-quarried Travertine draw the eye upward toward the mosaics and stained-glass dome. The impressive 1,500-pound, 28’ in diameter, 圆形大厅顶部的彩色玻璃圆顶于2015年进行了翻新. 法院全年开放.

Learn more about Butte's courthouse.


位于亚利桑那州和花岗岩街在上城巴特的拐角处, this landmark abounds with an array of colorful flowers during the summer, 在庆祝这座城市最古老的工业遗址之一时. In 1867, Charles Hendrie started construction of a stamp mill for crushing ore and capturing gold and silver. The mill worked the production of the famous Lexington Silver Mine further up the hill in Walkerville before being sold and moved to Pony, Montana, 上世纪50年代中期,最后一张邮票落在哪里. Local history enthusiasts brought the mill back to Butte making it the focus of a community garden in the late 1990’s. Open year-round.

Learn more about the 列克星敦邮票磨坊花园.


在蒙大拿州的群山中乘坐带向导的全地形车. Take a fantastic guided ride through the trails and old mining roads of southwest Montana's mountains. 参观古老的采矿鬼城和营地,可以追溯到1867年. 还有从这些山上开采出来的金银, 来了些想轻松赚钱的逃犯. 你会听到谋杀和抢劫的故事.